Sign documents from the comfort of your car! Curbside closing is another solutions-oriented option that further demonstrates WACO Title’s customer focus during this unprecedented time.
- Let your WACO closing associate know you would like to sign curbside when scheduling.
- Arrive at WACO Title & look for the Curbside Check-In Sign in our parking lot.
- Call your closing office to check in.
- Take a picture of your driver’s license and email to your closing associate.
- WACO Closing Agent will greet you curbside and hand you a highlighted closing package and new ink pen.
- Begin signing with a BLUE ink pen.
- WACO Closing Agent will witness you sign documents through your car window.
Each branch will have a sign to direct you to the check-in location. Just park, call, and a closer will be on their way!
Questions while closing? Have your cell phone ready to call your WACO Closing Agent with questions.
If you are interested in exploring curbside or any of our solutions-oriented closing options, contact your closing agent. For additional information regarding curbside closings, email us here.