Buyers, Sellers & Borrowers
Required Questions Before Entry
- Are you experiencing a fever, cough or shortness of breath?
- Have you had contact with a lab confirmed COVID-19 patient in the last 14 days?
- Have you traveled from a risk area in the last 14 days?
If YES to any of the above, DO NOT ARRIVE to your closing location. Instead, please contact your closer for additional accommodations.
Options for Closing
WACO Title remains focused on being solutions oriented during this unprecedented time. In addition to the recommended CDC health precautions, WACO associates are focused on closing transactions timely while accommodating customer needs.

Document Recording
WACO continues to monitor the status of county recorder offices. As long as the county office is operational, we should be able to close and record (either e-record or overnight FedEx). Even if the county does not have the staff to process recordings, we will work with our underwriter partners to find solutions. Depending on the circumstances, though, closing may be delayed until recording can occur.